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Assuring Quality in Apprenticeships: a Transatlantic Dialogue

Publicado por: Dpto. de Comunicación de la Fundación Bertelsmann


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Urban Institute 5th Floor 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037

8:30 a.m. Check-in and breakfast

9:00 a.m. Welcome and overview

  • Robert Lerman, Institute Fellow, Urban Institute @boblerman
  • Tom Bewick, President, Transatlantic Apprenticeship Exchange Forum; Chief Executive, Federation of Awarding Bodies @TomBewick

9:20 a.m. UK Keynote Speaker

  • Sir Gerry Berragan, Chief Executive, Institute for Apprenticeships @IFAteched (participating virtually)

9:30 a.m. US Keynote Speaker

  • Jim Rosapepe, State Senator, Maryland @SenRosapepe

9:45 a.m. Architecture of the New English Apprenticeship Model – End-Point Assessment

  • Thomas Burton, Head of Assessment, NOCN Group @NOCN1

10:00 a.m. What Does Quality Mean for Apprenticeships?

  • Simon Ashworth, Chief Policy Officer, Association of Employment and Learning Providers @sashworth80
  • John Ladd, Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, US Department of Labor @USDOL
  • Mardy Leathers, Director, Missouri Division of Workforce Development @MardyLeathers
  • Sarah Watts-Rynard, Chief Executive Officer, Polytechnics Canada; former Executive Director, Canadian Apprenticeship Forum @SarahWRynard
  • Susanna Lawson, Cofounder and Director, OneFile @SusannaOneFile (moderator) 

10:45 a.m. Break 

11:00 a.m. How Are the Theoretical Models of Occupational Frameworks and Assessment of Trainers and Apprentices Working?

  • Thomas Burton, Head of Assessment, NOCN @NOCN1
  • Simon Marti, Head of the Office of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Embassy of Switzerland @SwissEmbassyUSA
  • Spenser Villwock, Chief Executive Officer, Independent Electrical Contractors @SpenserVillwock
  • Katie Spiker, Senior Federal Policy Analyst, National Skills Coalition @Katie_SpikerNSC (moderator)

11:45 a.m. Lessons for the Future

  • Thomas Bewick, President, Transatlantic Apprenticeship Exchange Forum; Chief Executive, Federation of Awarding Bodies @TomBewick
  • Robert Lerman, Institute Fellow, Urban Institute @boblerman 12:00 p.m. Event concludes
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